
Payment Methods:

  • Payment card
  • Internet bank
  • Bank transfer

  • Payment with the payment card

    The payment is performed upon executing the online purchase on the Internet with the following payment cards: kartes

    After placing an order, the client is redirected to the secure KLIX portal to make a payment. There is a pre-filled payment order, which indicates the subject of payment amount. After entering the card number, security code (3-digit code on the back of the card) and expiration date of the card, KLIX authorizes the transaction in the client's bank.
    When requesting card data, the SSL security protocol and security programs MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa are used, thanks to which it is ensured that the transmitted information cannot be overheared or changed by unauthorized persons.
    As soon as the bank confirms the payment, the amount is reserved on the card and the order is automatically sent for impementation.

    Payment by Internet bank

    In our store, you can use the latest and most reliable payment method – Klix. This payment system was developed by Citadele Bank, which guarantees the protection of your finances and personal data. The main advantage is data confidentiality: the buyer's information does not go to the seller.
    Make payments via Klix directly from your bank account. It's a convenient and secure way of payment that allows you to make purchases instantly. To carry out a transaction, simply choose your bank, log into the system, and confirm the operation. Klix is a reputable bank service provider, operating in accordance with the EU Payment Services Directive (PSD 1) – Directive 2007/64/EC. banks-latvia

    Payment by bank transfer

    If you choose to pay by bank transfer, then after placing your order you will receive an invoice to your specified e-mail address.
    The invoice must be paid within one day.
    If you use a bank to pay for the ordered goods, which is not the bank indicated in our details, and then you need to take into account that we will receive the transfer at the end of the working day or the next working day. The goods are considered paid upon receipt of funds to the current account of the Internet store. Until the receipt of funds, the ordered goods are not reserved in the warehouse.
    After we receive the payment, an order confirmation will be sent to your specified email address.

    After a successful payment, the customer receives a confirmation email and SMS from PODIUMRIGA to the email address and phone number provided at the time of ordering.